Today marked 50 consecutive days of running. Doing 50 days of anything is rather remarkable, but 50 days of running feels like a real feat of consistency. Last year I ran had 57 day streak, but this time around I went faster and further than before. I could likely go on with more days, but I am going to start a marathon training cycle and it only is sensible to think about some of the bigger goals associated with that and rest up a day or two rather than waste my legs.
Frankly, running daily turned out to be easier than you might expect. There weren't questions about "if" I would run a given day although there were instances where I questioned "when" I would run. For the most part it became routine. I just plugged it into the start of my day before I took too much time to think about it.
Some days I gave myself a mileage goal, but for the most part, I would run by time. For instance, I have 40 minutes to run or today I'll have an hour. A few instances I went a few miles further than I otherwise would have because I didn't attend to the time, but for the most part I settled into a pace and held steady.
I tried to stay relaxed. Easy effort it is called. A few times I felt myself get moving faster than 'easy effort' and recognized the difference almost immediately without looking at my watch for guidance. I took all the beeps and vibrations off my watch so I could concentrate a little more on simply running than how far I went or how far I might still have to go.
There will certainly be lots of lessons gathered from a running experience like this, and it certainly nothing bonkers like others may have done, but it does provide a tangible and personal picture I can come back to when I need an example of diligence either for myself or to encourage others.
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