This month marks my second running anniversary. From a mere thought and idea to today I've logged more than 3000 miles, run 3 marathons, clocked more than 290 hours, I won 3rd place in a 10k and the masters division of a 5k (because I'm fast-ish and there weren't a lot of runners). It's felt ridiculous to have this kind of trajectory. It is also a bit of a testimony to doing seemingly impossible things not just physically, but mentally as well.
I did not like running.
I was not a runner.
I had some athleticism, but running felt like something for other people. Not for me.
But seeing my teenage son growing up and love cross country, I thought maybe it will provide a moment of bonding between father and son even if I am many paces behind him.
And I bought some running shoes.
Objects dedicated to the task.
Cheap ones
Cheap ones
I scoured around for an app to tell me what to do.
I found one with a friendly voice that simply told me when to walk and when to run
And then the whole adventure escalated. 5k to 10k, half-marathon to marathon, to REALLY training for a marathon, and then doing it again.
For a while, even in the lead-up to the first marathon, I felt I could step away with little consequence because I felt so fresh to the sport and treated it casually. Now that's change, you would need to pry me away from my running shoes or at least find something quite substantial to take it's place in my daily routine.
Running is embedded in my life now and taught me so much about the wide emotions I can experience...elation, disappointment, frustration, joy, contentment
Running is teaching me about thinking big, setting goals that only take shape over time.
Running is clearning my head and filling my spirit.
I don't always love the running part of running, but there is satisfaction in the results of running. Results including the development of personality and character as much as the results associated with time and distance.
Going into year three of running I am contemplative of all the pavement and paths behind me and looking forward with optimism about what could be in store next. It is a good adventure.