Happy New Year! 2024 By the Numbers

We're in an age of running where there are so many things that can be measured, tracked, and scrutinized in a way much more easily easily than previous generations. Distances. Times. Paces. I won't pretend to be above all that and just run because I love running so much. I like the numbers too. So here are a few. 

2,179 miles
(about the length of the Appalachian trail)
300 hrs
(I was 17mins off after my morning run. I took care of that this afternoon)

Elv. Gain 
27,450 ft

I ran 5 races including 2 marathons and set PRs for the 5k, 10k, and Marathon distances

  • Bayshore Marathon, Traverse City, MI 3:57:47
  • Vaulkslauf 10k, Frankenmuth, MI - 3rd in Age Division; 44:06
  • 7 Bridges 7 Brews, Sault St. Marie, MI - 1st in Age, Masters Division Winner 20:32 
  • Detroit Free Press Marathon, Detroit, MI  - 3:21:33
  • Gobbler Gallop 5k, Saginaw, MI-  20:10

Favorite Runs:
Running on vacation was the best....Freeport, IL, HOLY HILL (literally and figuratively), Green Bay, Sault St. Marie, Ontonagon, Marquette,  Wonderful runs. Each memorable and enriching

Least favorite run: 
Monday this week.

ZERO (hallelujah!) 

Biggest Lesson Learned: Persist. Keep going. Keep trying. Don't dwell on the failure. Bayshore was a big loss. After a really awesome training cycle my expectations were high and I fell short. BUT (also memorable) Des Linden gave me my medal. I would come back to crush the Detroit Free Press Marathon. 

2025 the goal is simple ( which is not the same as easy)

Get Chicago qualifying time in Toledo at the Glass City Marathon. I won't make any other decisions until seeing how things shake out there first. 3:15:00


While the numbers may be individual statistics, they don't happen in isolation. To be sure 90% of the miles happened before anyone in the family woke up, but this team still helped make the numbers possible. Big kudos to this crew and all the others who provided encouragement and cheering!
