The night before the start of training

Two full days of no running is the recipe for starting tomorrow's training cycle with fresh legs and a fresh mind. I'm ready for it. Even dare I say excited about what the next several months will bring. I am curious how this time around will be different than previous cycles. What challenges will present themselves? What ways will I be able to perseveree? It's all part of a grand story unfolding one day at a time. 

This week will likely resemble the past month with easy mileage (6mi, 6 mi, Rest, 6mi, 6mi,6mi, 8mi). I'll switch my watch from just recording time on my feet to actual miles. It is a peculiar time to get going again because of the holiday. I'm feeling very relaxed about getting out the door and the lack of urgency these next few days may work against me when I need to go back to work and haul kids off to school.  I guess for now I'll just take it as it comes. 

I took Strava off my phone. It will sync as usual, but I am going to see what is like to take that one little extra moment out of my routine. It might seem like a small thing, but I could sense the app caused an increased level of inattention and distraction that was not helpful. Maybe I'll add it back later, but it's worth taking a break and trying something new. One less thing.

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