Dead legs
Yesterday I ran 10 iles at 7:57.
Too fast.
I paid for it today.
Both yesterday and today were suppose to be easy effort, but clearly I got carried away yesterday so when it came time to hit the pavement today my legs were dead.
Ended up doing 6 miles at 9:16. My watch heart rate monitor said somewhere around 136 for most of the run. Way lower than usual, but I guess in a good way. My lungs and heart weren't the problem. Just my legs.
I hope I didn't sabotage my speedwork scheduled for tomorrow. It's hard to say. I've really got to figure out more control for easy pace runs EVEN if feels fine while it's happening. The problem is it doesn't really feel wildly challenging when it's happening, but wait 24 hrs and my legs ask "Didn't you know it was an easy effort day?"
aw well. Got to keep moving on.