Embracing the Speed Work
2mile wu, 3x(1mi @5k-10kpace 6:34) 2mi cd
Longer segment speedwork out intervals some how feel more tolerable than the multiple short ones. I also embraced the workout knowing I only needed to do the speed stuff 3 times and not something like 12 times. The road conditions and footing was reasonable. All conditions that I do not take forgranted during this winter cycle.
If you asked me to do another winter marathon cycle I'm pretty sure I'd politely decline. I want to remember that for next year, but then again, next year I might be going after Boston so I'll need to do some kind of training to prepare for that. Who knows though. First things first.
All my splits were within a few seconds of the goal
1. 6:32
2. 6:33
3. 6:33
This equated directly to my 5k at the Gobbler Gallop (20:21 chip time). I feel like only really started to falter the final .5 mile of the final interval, but even then I pushed through.
It felt good to reach the 'top of the ladder' of these speed work outs. Now it is everything in reverse (i.e., 1200m, 800m) and then the strength workouts start up. By that time it will be the start of March and hopefully slightly more tolerable weather.
I used my self talk to make it past the uncomfortable parts of the work out. I hope the houses near by were well insulated because I wasn't exactly quiet about saying "GO LEGS" and "LET'S GO!" I didn't see anyone move their curtains aside or open their doors to see who the mad man running in the street might be.
Rest day tomorrow.
Starting to feel like weeks are going to be on repeat for a while now. Run Rest Repeat over and over for 12 more weeks