
When it is snowing or raining hard I take my glasses off. This might sound reckless or scary, but the water droplets pool up on the lenses and leave me lacking visibility anyway. I find taking them off is more comfortable than the perpetual effort to wipe them down for clearance. And how far in front of my face do I really need to see when I'm running in the wee hours of the morning? I can see the light of an on coming car if I need to. Of course I want to make sure I don't die hitting a pot hole, but I think I can actually see better without my glasses in this scenario. 

The road's white line is there for a reason. I stick to it. Still keeping my head up.  Sometimes I'll turn my headlamp up an extra click to add a little light to the road ahead, but other times, there is enough light from the street lamps or snow reflections or moon I don't need to. It sounds crazy, but ditching my glasses creates a peculiar sensory freedom. I don't know that I'd leave my house without them, but it is sort of nice to live in an impressionist world every now and again. 

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