
 Shorts are the big news of the day. I WORE SHOTS TODAY. 

It wasn't even "maybe shorts today?" It was SHORTS!

After months of dressing up in all the accoutrements of winter it felt wonderful to have bare legs.
I am sure I blinded some oncoming traffic with my reflective legs, but I don't even care. 
AND to make matters better it was speed day so I could wear shorts AND run fast. 
(well, sorta fast, I felt pretty wiped out... still solid though all considered)

I liked the running part of running again and not just the satisfaction-of-doing-something-hard part of running. During my cool down I didn't exactly want it to stop. I knew I needed to go back to bed, but I thought about doing one more turn about the neighborhood. I wanted to stay outside forever. 

Inevitably, we'll get another cold snap some where in the next month or so, but watching the snow melt today and felt amazingly hopeful.

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