Something is better

 2mi wu, 4x(1200m@5k-10k pace,) cool down 

I felt out of juice from the start but my mantra this whole cycle is "something is better than nothing" and I wasn't about to just roll over and cry uncle. I mean 4x1200+400 is less than 4 miles. "It will be over before you know it I told myself" as if it were a tooth extraction. What does it prove to only do the easy things? I am training for something hard doesn't make sense to practice doing a hard thing? Of course it does. 

I was closer to the 10k pace than the 5k pace. My recovery trot felt very slow...because it was (for me). I cut my cool down short by about .5 a mile when I ended up back at my driveway a touch early. Still within acceptable parameters as far as I'm concerned. And knowing tomorrow is a rest day provided enough motivation to finish the job. 

"Something is better than nothing"

  Going into the workout today I knew this one would feel tough after the long run earlier in the week coupled with learning to luge on the same day. (Oh did I mention I learned to luge? Sunday after my 14 miler, I went and learned how to luge. This including lifting a luge up several flights wooden of steps multiple times. By Garmin's measurement it was 37 floors ascended.) My schedule was out of whack for the previous 48 hours and this workout proved to be my penance. I started the morning keenly aware my legs felt mushy.

"Something is better than nothing"  

Ooof. I am using words like "job" for my running that might be a bad sign. I'm just keeping it real over here. It's not all cool shoes and motivational posters. The expression "If it were easy everyone would do it" might be a cliché, but it is also fitting. 

"Something is better than nothing" 

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