My legs hurt today. The marathon practice yesterday pushed me more than usual. It felt good at the time, but trying to get miles on today felt like trying to put on a sweater on a squirming newborn. Possible but not simple. "They" say keep the easy days easy and I took them up in it.
Thursday is always slow and I am at complete peace with just moving steady. Tempted as I was to turn in early at mile 5 I talked myself out of it and finished the prescribed 7 miles. I mean what's the point of skipping out on the last two miles? If I were going to pack it in I would have done it much earlier
In my mind there are increasing levels of committing to a run.
Level 1: Get out of bed. Level 2: Get dressed Level 3: Get on all the winter gear and lights Level 4: Open the garage and take a few steps down the driveway Level 5: Finish the first block Level 6: Finish the first mile. After level 6 it is pretty tough to bail. Maybe slow down or have a pause. But momentum is a powerful thing.