Running Art Project Sneak Peek

 I retraced my steps and found the mitten that fell out of my pocket yesterday. You would think I would have learned my lesson to zip up my pockets, but alas, I just shove them in my coat and presume they will stay put. It didn't take many steps to find, but when I did it felt stiff as a board from being on the frozen ground for the past 24 hours. In another couple weeks I'll be able to leave the mittens at home.

In other news, a art project I've been working on for the past several years is coming very close to completion. It is one thing to have an idea and a whole other thing to move the idea through the stages needed to reach completion. 

When I started running longer distances I used mapping software to create GPS art. It made for cool strava maps, but I wanted to bring them into a tangible space. With some help from additional mapping programs, I managed to form large scale images of the routes that showed individual houses and then set them up in full color. This week I printed them and they will be going on display at the Saginaw YMCA for a few months. Hopefully they can spark some curiosity and inspiration for people who see them. So far the response from the few people I've shown the BIG prints to has been universal delight.

I'll give more details about the exhibition as the precise details are confirmed. 

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