The color of darkness
The dark around here isn't really dark. It's also interesting to consider that the night isn't really black. It is naïve to think of the night in the city/suburbs as black. It is too simple. Perhaps if a child needed to depict the night with a crayon he or she would reach for the darkest color in the box, but in reality the environment is more complicated.
The darkness is filled with color light comes in all kinds of hues. Obviously this is apparent throughout the Christmas season, but even just everyday street lights add to the color of the darkness. Any given run is filled with yellows, blues, purples, greens, and everything in between.
The variation is one more thing that makes running outside more interesting.
10 miles @7:48 . A little too fast, but felt ok. Heart rate (by wrist monitor so taken with a grain of salt) stayed around 151.